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Chinese translation for "blank cartridge"

[firing] 空弹〔空弹射击〕。

Related Translations:
cartridge:  n.1.【军事】弹药筒;子弹。2.【物理学】释热元件;【无线电】拾音器心座;(电唱机上的)针头。3.【机械工程】夹头,卡盘;灯座;(圆珠笔上盛油墨的)笔芯。4.【摄影】软片,胶卷。短语和例子a ball cartridge实弹。 a blank cartridge空弹。
cartridge box:  (串在皮带上的)子弹盒。
cartridge chamber:  药室;弹膛。
cartridge pouch:  弹药盒。
cartridge belt:  子弹带,弹链。
cartridge igniter:  【火箭】爆管,导火管。
video cartridge:  [cassette] 录像带盒。
cartridge clip:  (机关枪等的)弹夹。
cartridge case:  药筒;子弹壳。
cartridge bag:  弹药包。
Example Sentences:
1.This paper introduces the styles , functions and current research of aeronautic missile ejecting device . the structure , principle of blank cartridge ejecting device and its differentia are discussed in detail
2.Because of its extensive application and underdeveloped research level in our country , this paper establish the numerical model of blank cartridge ejecting device , the whole process from blank cartridge burning to eject missile is analyzed by classic interior ballistic theory and gas dynamics . several simulation examples are given , and the effect of different parameter structure on ejecting device is discussed
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